Author of Healing from Narcissistic Abuse - Journey’s from Abuse to Freedom, and Writer for Her Nation, an online magazine for Women.
I specialise in helping people who’ve experienced abused or trauma to regain control of their lives. I help them change the lens they view life from and understand what’s happening to their mind and body. I became a Probation Officer to understand the ‘how and why’ of abusers’ behaviors and then helped those who were affected by unresolved trauma and pain.
I created my program, Define Yourself! on the testimonies of women who used the information I gave them and set themselves free. I use my skills as a Trauma Informed Domestic Violence Trainer and Certified Trauma facilitator to give people control over decision-making processes in their lives. I listen and hear what people are saying and feeling.
25+ years experience working with women and children experiencing abuse in the UK, USA & Pakistan.
15+ years experience in the UK Criminal Justice System - Probation and Youth Offending (aged 10 - 18 years old) working with men and boys.
4+ years delivering the BeyondTrauma program.