
The tools below will be useful in your learning and development. I provide carefully selected books, videos, TED talks, podcasts, models and more.

What Happened to You?

What Happened to You?

Oprah & Dr Bruce Perry

I felt this book was a gift for me as ‘What Happened to You’ by Oprah Winfrey and Dr Bruce Perry explains everything I am working on now, in simple language. When I read it, I thought, “Oprah and Bruce know what I’m doing”. I wish you hours of joy …..

The Body Keeps the Score - Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma

The Body Keeps the Score - Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma

Bessel Van Der Kolk

I found this book in February 2020. Bessel van der Kalk puts into writing everything I had been witnessing for 25+ years but could not explain. How medicine helps control feelings but the real issues never seem to be addressed as we didn’t know how to listen or address the pain people were going through.

The Three Planet Model: Towards an understanding of contradictions in Approaches to Women and Children’s Safety in Contexts of Domestic Violence

The Three Planet Model: Towards an understanding of contradictions in Approaches to Women and Children’s Safety in Contexts of Domestic Violence


This article explains the tensions and contradictions within the criminal justice system and social care system and how they impact outcomes for families experiencing domestic violence.

Coercive Control - How Men Entrap Women in Personal Life

Coercive Control - How Men Entrap Women in Personal Life


This book appeared in 2007 and addressed issues I was dealing with but didn’t have words for - ‘Coercive Control’. Stark’s definition of Coercive Control and his ‘Birdcage’ analogy provided a platform to explain the unexplainable, and provide a voice to the voiceless.

Snakes in Suits - When Psychopaths go to Work

Snakes in Suits - When Psychopaths go to Work


My search to understand the abusive partner led me to ‘Snakes in Suits’. I learnt that these personalities are everywhere, in school, at college, at work and in intimate relationships.

History and Memories of the Domestic Violence Movement - We've come further than you think

History and Memories of the Domestic Violence Movement - We've come further than you think

Gill Hague

A book charting the journey of Domestic Violence. It shares the Trials and Tribulations and notes, 'We've come further than you think'. Launched on 1st October where I had the privilege to be a part of such a splendid piece of work. Highly recommended.

Adverse Childhood Experiences

Adverse Childhood Experiences

Dr Nadine

Childhood trauma can affect brain development, immune systems and hormonal systems. Dr Nadine Burke Harris's research in invaluable.


Narcissism & Coercive Control - ARE YOU Experiencing This?

Narcissism, Coercive Control and DVA
Agnes Vivarelli

I’m speaking of women and children who’ve experienced Domestic Violence and Abuse(DVA) at home or in intimate relationships. (*Domestic Violence, *Domestic Abuse and *Domestic Violence and Abuse DV/DA/DVA, terms are used interchangeably and essentially mean the same thing.) Also Narcissism and Coercive Control. In her Masters dissertation she spoke of Patriarchy, Culture, Religion and Self-Imposed Control.

The Prison Within

Men in Prison - Justice

Men in Prison make sense of their lives. All the men have experienced trauma which has never been spoken of much less dealt with. A groundbreaking body of work was introduced into the prison system producing favourable outcomes.

How every child can thrive by 5

Amazing Kiddliwinks
Molly Wright /TedTalks

The best gift I could find to give to all parents with children under 5, especially those who’ve experienced abuse, is Molly Wrights’s: Thrive by Five. She says it's as simple as “peek-a-boo”.

Why teens confess to crimes they didn't commit

Youth Justice
Lindsay Malloy

Lindsay Malloy explores how teens function in a legal system designed for adults. She says 25% of wrongful convictions included false confessions - teens had admitted to a crime they didn't commit due to duress.

How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime

Nadine Burke Harris

I found this video useful in understanding childhood trauma and potential impact. It explains the real effects on the development of the brain.

How I work to protect women from Honour Killings

Khalida Brohi / TEDGlobal 2014 (October)

Khalida Brohi shows us how she works in Pakistan despite the tribal and obvious male dominance. What she touches on beautifully is how women are earning money in Pakistan using their skills.

What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness

Robert Waldinger / TEDx Beacon Street 2015 (November)

Learn what makes people really happy. Harvard's 75 year study on human development teaches us the importance of relationships and the quality of those relationships. Fame and fortune aren't what make us healthy and happy. Take a moment and find our for yourselves.

The Call to Courage

Brene Brown / Netflix 2019

This is invaluable; it challenges you to challenge yourself. As Brene Brown talks about what courage is, she also recognises the importance of the MeToo and Black Lives Matter movements. I love the way she says to all those who say, “I’m not comfortable with this”...

Dare to Educate Afghan Girls

Shabana Basij-Rasikh / TEDx Women 2012 (December)

Watch how Shabana Basij-Rasikh dares to educate Aghan girls.

What happens when women stop believing the lies | Mina Shah | TEDxBocaRaton

Womens Empowerment
Mina Shah

Mina speaks beautifully about how women blossom when they stop listening to the lies that they're telling themselves.

A Call to Men

Men who Respect Women
Tony Porter / TEDWomen 2010 (December)

Tony Porter talks about the 'Man Box' and what men are taught. He takes us on a personal journey of learning about men and women and ends with.... 'My liberation as a man is tied to your liberation as a woman'. Sounds like poetry in motion to me.

Why I believe the mistreatment of women is number one...

Men who Respect Women
Jimmy Carter / TEDWomen 2015 (May)

Former President Carter recognises the number one human rights abuse is against women and girls. He goes on to say that men have misinterpreted the holy scriptures to keep women relegated to a secondary position. Take a look for yourselves.

Violence against women - it’s a men’s issue

Men who Respect Women
Jackson Katz / TEDxFiDiWomen 2012 (November)

Jackson Katz recognises gendered violence and argues that these are men’s issues. Watch the way he shows us how men get taken out of the equation because of how we use words. There is power in language.

Why Gender Equality is good for everyone - men included

Men who Respect Women
Michael Kimmel / TEDWomen 2015 (May)

Michael Kimmel presents a complex topic with such ease and hilarity! He is able to bring issues such as race to the viewer effortlessly, see if you agree.

A Girl in the River - The price of forgiveness (2015)

Honour Based Violence
Sharmeen Obaid-Chinnoy

An award winning documentary about honour based killings in Pakistan. Sharmeen Obaid-Chinnoy received an oscar in 2016 for this body of work which follows the story of a girls fight for justice, what she endured and how she survived.

Banaz - A Love Story

Honour Based Violence
Deeyah Khan

An Emmy (2013) & Peabody (2013) Award winning documentary detailing what happened to Banaz, a young girl who had gone to the police in England, knowing her life was at risk. It bought to light the lack of knowledge in dealing with honour based issues in 2006. Awards received: British Royal Society Television Awards (2013) - best documentary, Current Affairs.

Cairo 678 / 2010

Honour Based Violence
Mohammed Diab

This film sheds light on sexual harassment in Egypt. It follows the lives of three women from differing social classes while they deal with injustice and violence. It received an award in 2010 at the Dubai International Film Festival.


Domestic Abuse
Inner Eye Productions

***TRIGGER WARNING*** This video was made in London, England. It shows how a mother and her son experience domestic abuse and how the father/'abuser' silences his child. You get a glimpse into why the child cannot say anything and how with the skills of his teacher, he may now be able to speak to someone.

Women Making Moves - Define Yourself!

Amy Pons - Unlock the Magic

Trigger Warning - Discussing Domestic Violence In this episode Amy Pons interviews Ruby Raja and we discussed the value of self-worth and that it's attached to stability of the circumstances you may be experiencing. Focussing on Ruby's program Define Yourself! and the trauma programme she delivers, we exploreAmy Pons hosts Women Making Moves where she helps people Unlock their Magic.


Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

If we can meet the basic needs of people, we can begin working on their deeper needs. If the basic needs aren’t met, people are in a constant state of angst so little work can be accomplished. The following model is accessible from

Power and Control Wheel


The power and control wheel shows the different types of abusive behaviours that occur in domestic violence relationships. Each section encompasses specific behaviours. Remember that some behaviours will cross over into more than one category.

Equality Wheel

Domestic Abuse Intervention Project

The Equality Wheel shows what a healthy relationship would look like. People who have experienced abuse often are unable to identify healthy relationships as they have learnt to change their behaviour to suit the abuser.

Muslim Power and Control Wheel

Dr Shareefa AlKhateeb

Dr Shareefa AlKhateeb adapted the Duluth Power and Control Wheel for Muslims using religious behaviours to define how domestic violence presented itself in Muslim families.

Abuse of Children

Domestic Abuse Intervention Project

This wheel shows ways in which children are abused through domestic violence and breaks down which category the abuse falls under. Please know that some of the abuses will fall under more than one category.

Nurturing Children

Domestic Abuse Intervention Project

This wheel shows how you can nurture your child. It may seem difficult at the beginning, but if you are consistent, you will see the changes whether it is your own child or a child you are working with.

Childrens Wheels - How Violence Affects Children

Domestic Abuse Intervention Project

This wheel shows how domestic violence affects children and breaks it down into various categories for you to understand exactly how it may impact a child.

Trauma Recovery Model


Toward the right side of this model you see the underlying needs that require attention. Inside the triangle you can see how trauma presents itself - you can see the chaos and complexity in managing trauma. On the left side you can see the layers of intervention required to manage the presenting behaviour. It is a complex maze but it can be worked through - being Trauma Informed is ONLY the first step but it's a big step.

While the challenges facing women and children around the world continue, awareness of subjects such as Forced Marriage (FM), Honour Based Violence (HBV) and Female Gential Mutilation (FGM) are becoming more widespread. These articles and videos have helped make changes to criminal justice and highlighted the importance of speaking up and speaking out in countries where it is needed most.

Restraining Order


Restraining Orders are court orders issued by a Judge in criminal proceedings, to stop someone inflicting harming on another person. Normally associated with domestic violence and abuse, harassment, stalking, and sexual assault.


Non-molestation order


A non-molestation order can help protect you and any child/ren from violence and harassment. You can get a non-molestation order against a person who is being physically violent, harassing or intimidating you. This order can prevent an abuser from coming within a certain distance of you.

More info

Female Genital Mutilation


Find out about developments in the FGM field, factsheet and law in the UK.

More info

Honour Based Violence / Honour Based Killings & Forced Marriages


Find out about honour based violence / honour based killings and forced marriages. Refer to Resource Section: videos.

More info

Serious Crime Act 2015 S.76


The Serious Crime Act 2015, S. 76 introduced an offence of controlling or coercive behaviour in an intimate or familial relationship. Learn how coercive control fits into legal proceedings and what types of sentences abusers can be given.


Domestic Abuse Act 2021


Much development has taken place in the past 15 years within the health, criminal justice and education sectors in the UK and a new Domestic Abuse Act came into effect early in 2021.


Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)


Childhood trauma can affect brain development, the immune system, and hormonal systems. Dr Nadine Burke Harris's research is invaluable.


Defence lawyer fined over rape survivor questioning


A defence lawyer who “repeatedly crossed the line” while questioning a woman during a rape trial has been fined and ordered to pay her compensation.


How Trauma Affects the Brain


This link was sent to me from someone specialising in trauma and on reading the information, I felt it would be a resource worth sharing. It looks at the impact of trauma on the brain and how the amygdala is engaged. It touches on types of psychological trauma as well as traumatic brain injuries.



0800 1111
Visit website

National Domestic Abuse Helpline

0808 2000 247
Visit website

Women’s Aid (UK)

Visit website

National Sexual Violence Helpline (UK)


Specialist Domestic Violence Service (Wales)

Visit website

Services in Ireland

1800 341 900
Visit website


01823 334244
Visit website

Men’s Advice Line


Forced Marriage Unit


Forced Marriage - Karma Nirvana in Leeds, UK


Forced Marriage - The Henna Foundation in Cardiff, UK


Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline (Scotland)


Harbour House - Florida


Office of the Prevention of Domestic Violence

+1 800-942-6906
Visit website

California Partnership to End Domestic Violence

1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
Visit website


a small golden paint stroke

Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline (Scotland)

National Domestic Abuse Helpline

0808 2000 247
Visit website

Services in Ireland

1800 341 900
Visit website


a small golden paint stroke


01823 334244
Visit website

Men’s Advice Line

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“Define yourself - because you're worth it.”