Muslim Specific
Muslims in the UK experienced geo-political issues related to DVA and the criminal justice system since the early 2000s, which were never acknowledged. As a Probation Officer and Domestic Violence Trainer I am providing simple insights.
This word is used to explain life after death. Muslims believe that life on earth is a preparation for everlasting life after death. Often thinking about the Akhirah can override a more worldly attitude and response to life’s experiences, no matter how serious.
Duties that become obligatory through teaching and training not by law.
The head covering worn by Muslim women. It covers the hair, head, neck, and sometimes upper body - it can be similar to the nun’s habit in Christianity.
Literal translation is, what will people say.
Sabr means Patience and perseverance; Sabr has many layers of meaning - translating it into English is extremely difficult. Sabr, as a practice, is time-bound. No one in a relationship should practice sabr without accountability for both self and partner (usually) who is often not held accountable.
Wisdom is a concept in Islamic philosophy. I use hikmah to mean wisdom but also to mean cure, so I use this word as a hybrid of both meanings.
School of Thought; addresses how life is lived providing guidance according to the laws of each school of thought. (See #22.)
A set of Islamic principles of law observed by Muslims and misunderstood in the West, sometimes used to present Muslims as backward and barbaric when it comes to justice.
(Madhab, see #44) The first 4 are Sunni Schools of Thought. Jafari is one of the Shi’a Schools of Thought.
Fourth Caliph in Islam.
Deen is religion and Deeniyat is the subject of religion studied at school in most Muslim communities.
A collection of traditions relating to the Prophet Muhammed based on his sayings and actions. Authentic hadith can be traced through transmission back to the Prophet (PBUH). Weak hadith or misinterpreted hadith can create problems of catastrophic proportion.
When women are killed due to perceived honour of the family being tainted by her actions, often in connection to choosing their own partner or falling in love.
The waiting period for Muslim women after divorce or death of a husband in which a woman is advised not to remarry.
Knowledge with wisdom (hikmah). Wisdom comes from the depths of your soul and is a gift from your life’s experiences or from Allah/God.
Leader of prayer in mosque. Some Imams provide religious guidance to the community.
By the Will of Allah, a commonly used word after making any plan or saying anything with the intention of doing it. Muslims recognise that without Allah’s command, without His Will, nothing can or will happen.
Behaviour which is seen to uphold virtuous behaviour, in the context of this book, keeping the family’s dignity intact. Usually, women’s roles, men are excused through patriarchy and cultural nuances worldwide (see #38). # refers to Healing from Narcissistic Abuse by Ruby RAJA Izzat - honour, reputation, prestige. Sharm aur Izzat - Shame and Honour (see #10). # refers to Healing from Narcissistic Abuse by Ruby RAJA
A jinn is a being that is invisible to the naked eye. I shalln’t expand on this so as not to confuse anyone. (You may wish to explore Spirituality in Islam.)
Khul or Khula as it more commonly known is the divorce procedure for Muslim women through which she has the right to divorce her husband. (Female to male divorce.)
Injustice/Oppression (see #79). #refers to Healing from Narcissistic Abuse by Ruby RAJA Zulm is a form of oppression and is often related to Sabr which means patience. Women need to understand that they must not oppress themselves.
A person who has memorised the Quran by heart - male or female. Halal/Halaal - that which is lawful therefore permissible.
Gift given to bride by husband on marriage, when she marries.
Member of the family with whom marriage is forbidden, and from whom purdah (covering, see #58) is not required. Exception to this rule is a woman’s husband who is her Mehram.
Urdu word for sister-in-law, very specifically, husband’s sister.
A covering much like the covid face mask, it covers half the face from the middle of the nose and below, leaving eyes and forehead visible. Worn by Muslim females in Muslim countries and now prevalent in the West.
Islamic Marriage ceremony through which a Muslim couple is legally married.
Peace Be Upon Him . A sign of honour and respect, recited after the names of prophets. Always after Prophet Muhammed (PBUH or alayhisalaam - another way of saying the same thing). Please see #55. # related to Healing from Narcissistic Abuse by Ruby RAJA
Urdu word for villager, uneducated, illiterate, seen as having backward or old-fashioned thinking.
Urdu word for covering most of a person’s body and hair. For females, purdah would include their whole body and head except for their hands, feet, and face (see #50). # relates to Healing from Narcissistic Abuse by Ruby RAJA
World, worldly, of this world, living in the world.
That which is halal and lawful and that which is *unlawful or forbidden in Islam.
Islamic divorce. Generally refers to, male to female divorce and to female to male. However, if a woman instigates talaq, and she has a right to do so, it is referred to as Khul or Khula.
A concept of divorce in Islam that says that when a man pronounces I divorce you three times, divorce has taken place. This concept is disputed as there is an entire procedure to be followed when using the triple talaq concept that allows time for reconciliation.
Theologians or Scholars who are responsible for addressing concerns society faces as they arise. This is done through theological majlis (gatherings) which involves research, peer consultation, and more, to ensure that Islamic principles are upheld justly.
Literal translation is Community.
Guardian for women, often father, brother, uncle or other male relative or close friend. Upon marriage, husband becomes the wali.
Zulfikar is the name given to Hazrat Ali’s sword.
Zulm/Dhulm is injustice or oppression which is forbidden in Islam.