In this section I share books, articles, and research I found helpful when I began exploring the narcissist, coercive control, and the history of domestic violence. What was missing for me were the authentic voices of women of colour as they were and are drowned out by White professionals over-riding their narratives.
When I read ‘What Happened to You’ it felt as though Oprah and Bruce Perry understood my work. For those of you dealing with trauma, please know that healing takes time and you have to be kind to yourself.
Bessel van der Kolk wrote about everything I had witnessed for 25+ years but could not explain. How medicine controls feelings without addressing the real issues. Your body will keep the score until you learn to listen to what it’s saying to you. It is trying to talk to you - do you know how to listen?
Marianne Hester's article, 'The Three Planet Model' - THE BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK, VOLUME 41, ISSUE 5, JULY 2011, Pages 837-853
Read about the tensions and contradictions in the criminal justice system and social care system in the UK and how they impact outcomes for families experiencing domestic violence.
My search to understand the abusive partner led me to ‘Snakes in Suits’. I learned that these personalities are everywhere, in school, at college, at work and in intimate relationships.
A book charting the journey of Domestic Violence. It shares the Trials and Tribulations and notes, 'We've come further than you think'. Launched on 1st October. I presented a Whistlestop tour of the Muslim journey in DVA in London.
This book appeared in 2007 and addressed issues I was dealing with but didn’t have words for - ‘Coercive Control’. Stark’s definition of Coercive Control and his ‘Birdcage’ analogy provided a platform to explain the unexplainable, and provide a voice to the voiceless.