BeyondTrauma Recovery

The BeyondTrauma program is for anyone aged 13+ years of age who has experienced any form of trauma. This includes being involved in an accident, experiencing abuse, witnessing or being involved in an accident, losing a loved one, being exposed to war, having a life threatening illness or injury, or experiencing any other stressful or traumatic experience.

We explore the trauma clusters, the role of adrenaline and the amygdala. We provide skills in the form of coping mechanisms to help manage your emotions and feelings of panic, anxiety, stress and alarm.

The aim is for you to learn how to listen to your body, your body is trying to tell you what's happening. You'll learn how to listen, identify and manage what is happening.‍

The BeyondTrauma Recovery Program is 7 sessions long.

Each session lasts 60 -75 minutes and covers the material in the modules. You can share as much or as little as you choose to. Weekly sessions are encouraged, but the program can be completed in 4 weeks.

Programs are paid in advance, NO refunds.

Outcomes are dependent on your engagement.

Price: £599 (GBP) or $749 (USD).

Please note that pricea are subject to change.

    • What is the PTSD Recovery Program?

    • What is PTSD and Common reactions to trauma

    • What causes PTSD and the physiology of PTSD

    • Understanding and learning what our triggers are

    • Breathing retraining practice

    • Check-out and homework

    • Review triggers, safety behaviours, and avoidance behaviours

    • Continue to identify universal and personal triggers, safety, and avoidance behaviours

    • Introduction of SUDs scale

    • Create our personal distress hierarchy

    • Check-out and homework

    • Review common reactions to trauma

    • Introduction to range of Coping Tools and Somatic Practices

    • Learn to Track and Reduce

    • Check-out and homework

    • Introduction to Emotional Numbing / Alexithymia

    • How to manage Emotional Numbing, getting deeper into our emotions

    • Practice Identifying Emotions and Skills

    • Check-out and homework

    • Introduction to Anger Worksheet

    • Introduction to Passive, Aggressive and Assertive Concept

    • Skills for Managing Anger & Anger Analysis

    • Exercise to Get Deeper into the Root of Anger and Anger Acceptance

    • An Anger Analysis of Yourself

    • Check-out and homework

    • Introduction to Acceptance and Healing

    • Connecting the dots to the healing triangle of Trauma

    • Common Thinking Errors, Negative Thinking and Self-Esteem

    • Introduction to themes of relapse and resiliency

    • Recap, review and evaluate

    • Certificate of attendance

    • Completion celebration (as necessary)

1 in 3 adults in the UK have experienced a traumatic event and 31% of young people have experienced trauma during childhood (Launcet Pyschiatry).

In the USA 70% of adults have experienced a traumatic event. Men are more likely to experience trauma than women, their rates being 10% higher.

This program can change the quality of your lives. Don't lose any more.