
I created this area as the needs of victims and practitioners is continually evolving, and the need for Muslim Specific learning required an urgency that I cannot stress.
Learn in your own style - take it slow or revv it up!
Let me know if there's something you need.


The analogy of the birdcage in DVA has been a critical factor for anyone wishing to explain the unexplainable since. I’m referring to Coercive Control which women just could not explain and also felt they’d be judged by others as these men were often the classic charmers.

Body Keeps the Score

V, P & MS

Describes how our bodies receive and store information after experiencing abuse and trauma. It recognises that far too often when people have problems, especially mental health problems, they aren’t asked what really happened to them - medicines are given to pacify the patient/client.


Common Couple Violence is when one or both partners use non-controlling aggression in a relationship equally. It can occur at different times or the same time, but neither fears the other partner. This is not a feature of domestic violence, it shows how there can be violence in relationships which is unrelated to abuse.

Cafcass Social Worker

Children and Family Court, Advisory and Support Service. The CAFCASS social worker is an important social worker that women and men need to access in the right way to receive the right outcome for themselves and their children.

Coercive Control

A term coined by Evan Stark to encompass behaviours that were previously too complicated to explain. This involved the undermining of how women were treated which often left women unable to explain what they were going through. He introduced the birdcage analogy which demonstrated how women were like a bird in a cage only no one else could see the bars (the constraints) on the cage.

Coercive Control (CC)

Coercive Control (CC) is a term coined by Evan Stark to encompass behaviours that were previously too complex to explain. This involved the undermining of how women were treated which often left them exhausted and unable to explain what they were going through. He introduced the birdcage analogy which demonstrated how women were like a bird in a cage only no one else could see the bars (the constraints) on the cage.

DVPO (police) & DVPN (Judge)

DVPO - Domestic Violence Penalty Order given by the Judge in the UK. DVPN - Domestic Violence Penalty Notice given by the police in the UK.

Domestic Violence and Abuse (DVA)

Domestic Violence (DV) and Domestic Abuse (DA) - terms used to describe abusive behaviours in intimate relationships In the UK DA is used as they argue that DV suggests physical violence. My argument is that when the government tells us how to think and what words we can use, they are effectively making us think the way they want us to think. My experience has been that whenever women were free to speak about their abusive relationships, they always used words like, ‘he was a violent man’. Whenever I asked if their partners had been physically abusive, they often said, ‘NO’. People should have the right to self-define otherwise we are altering their choices which is what perpetrators do.


Money/property/gifts given to a bride by her family at the time of marriage. There is much debate over this in various cultures - who gives what to whom and why, what are the reasons behind this?

EMDR - treatment/intervention

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an interactive psychotherapeutic technique used to relieve psychological stress and trauma.

Honour / Izzat

Behaviour which is seen to uphold virtuous behaviour, in the context of this book, keeping the family’s dignity intact. Usually, women’s roles, men are excused through patriarchy and cultural nuances worldwide (see #38). Number refers to book: Healing From Narcissistic Abuse by Ruby RAJA

Honour Based Violence (HBV)

When women are killed due to perceived honour of the family being tainted by her actions, often in connection to choosing their own partner or falling in love.

IDVA - Independent Domestic Violence Advocate

Independent Domestic Violence Advocate whose role is to address the needs of victims at high risk of harm from intimate partners, ex-partners or family members; to secure their safety and the safety of their children.

IPV - Intimate Partner Violence

Domestic violence and abuse by a current or former spouse/partner in an intimate relationship against the other spouse/partner.

ISVA - Independent Sexual Violence Advocate

Independent Sexual Violence Advisor whose role is to provide specialist tailored services to victims and survivors of sexual violence and abuse.

Independent Domestic Violence Advocate (IDVA)

Independent Domestic Violence Advocate (IDVA) whose role is to address the needs of victims at high risk of harm from intimate partners, ex-partners or family members; to secure their safety and the safety of their children.


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Queer Questioning Two-Spirit, Intersex, Asexual and other identities that fall outside the cisgender and heterosexual paradigms.


V, P

Multi-Agency Child Exploitation.


Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements in Criminal Justice System. This is where multi agency personnel gather to discuss how to protect the public and control the offenders movements and behaviours.

MARAC - predominantly for Women Victims

Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference for high-risk victims of domestic violence (see #47). Number refers to Healing From Narcissistic Abuse by Ruby Raja. MARACs are for female victims of DVA. Multi agency personnel gather to discuss protection and safety protocol for client.

NPD - Narcissistic Personality Disorder

NPD is mentioned here as it is related to Narcissism and NPD is part of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of mental disorders


A person who has delusions of grandeur , it’s all about them. Often used to describe abusers where domestic violence and abuse is the central theme.

Prevent Agenda

UK Government created this agenda supposedly to reduce the threat to the UK from terrorism. Muslim women’s experience of PREVENT was that it was intrusive and disrespectful. Many cases of intrusion into the lives of Muslim women were documented 2007 - 2010. Muslims were targetted specifically.

Restraining Order

A protective order used by courts to protect a person usually in cases of domestic violence, sexual abuse, or stalking. Please see resource section of Inshiraa.com


Protection for adults and children; this should protect health and wellbeing as well as the rights of UK citizens. Muslim women felt the invasive and controlling element of Safeguarding which placed them in danger from teachers, social workers, and other professionals who then intervened in their lives unnecessarily through an agenda connected to Prevent.

Serious Crime Act 2015

Legislation recognising Coercive Control as an abusive behaviour with penalties intended to protect victims. See Resource Section of Inshiraa.com. Note that Coercive Control is an offence which requires evidence. Evidence can be anything from texts to emails, to social media postings. Be careful not to dilute evidence.

Sexual Violence

Sexual violence can relate to any type of abuse related to intimacy. It does not have to be penetrative, it can be suggestive, or a touch. Many sex offenders have not violated another person physically but have violated them through text/phone and other ways.

Shariah Law

A set of Islamic principles of law observed by Muslims regarding legal activities, the law; and completely misunderstood in the West. Sometimes used to present Muslims as backward and barbaric when it comes to justice.


Sharm means Shame in South Asian languages. It is often stated alongside honour. A woman's behaviour can be deemed as bringing shame to a family. I argue how can Sharm be bought to a family who has such little value for a girl/woman?

Sharm aur Izzat

Literal translation is Shame and honour. Please see Sharm as my argument remains.


Youth MARAC is a Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference for Teens (see #47). This number refers to Healing from Narcissistic Abuse by Ruby RAJA

Youth MARAC - under 18s

Youth MARAC - MARAC for Teens (see #47). Number represents book: Healing from Narcissistic Abuse by Ruby RAJA. Youth MARACs exist to protect under 18s from serious domestic violence and abuse.

Serious Crime Act 2015

Legislation recognising Coercive Control as an abusive behaviour with penalties intended to protect victims. Further details can be found in the Resource section.

Understanding Patriarchy: What does patriarchy mean to you?

I’d like you to think about your life and who the men are in your life. Father, grand-father, uncle, brother, nephew. If you don’t have any male relatives, then think of the men that are around you. I’d like you to consider their roles and who has authority and what their authority is. Does it impact you, and if it does, how? Does it affect you, and if so, how? By exploring this aspect you will understand if patriarchy has played any role in your life and whether or not it has impacted your ability to be who you want to be. Then, I’d like you to think outside your immediate environment and look at life overall, schools, colleges, hospitals, clinics, police and courts, government. Who runs these establishments? Who has the power there and why? Does that affect your choices and ability to get your needs met. In doing this, you’ll start seeing how you became the person you are. This is one aspect of many. Please use the link to find out more.


This word is used to explain life after death. Muslims believe that life on earth is a preparation for everlasting life after death. Often thinking about the Akhirah can override a more worldly attitude and response to life’s experiences, no matter how serious.


Deen is religion and Deeniyat is the subject of religion studied at school in most Muslim communities.

Dhulm or Zulm

Injustice/Oppression (see #79). #refers to Healing from Narcissistic Abuse by Ruby RAJA Zulm is a form of oppression and is often related to Sabr which means patience. Women need to understand that they must not oppress themselves.


World, worldly, of this world, living in the world.


Duties that become obligatory through teaching and training not by law.


A collection of traditions relating to the Prophet Muhammed based on his sayings and actions. Authentic hadith can be traced through transmission back to the Prophet (PBUH). Weak hadith or misinterpreted hadith can create problems of catastrophic proportion.


A person who has memorised the Quran by heart - male or female. Halal/Halaal - that which is lawful therefore permissible.

Halal* / Haraam**

That which is *halal and lawful and that which is **unlawful or forbidden in Islam.

Hanafi, Hanbali, Shafa’i, Maliki and Jafari (Madhab, see #44)

The first 4 are Sunni Schools of Thought and Jafari is one of the Shi’a Schools of Thought.

Hazrat Ali aka Imam Ali

Fourth Caliph in Islam.

Hijab / Hijaab

The head covering worn by Muslim women. It covers the hair, head, neck, and sometimes upper body - it can be similar to the nun’s habit in Christianity.


Wisdom is a concept in Islamic philosophy. I use hikmah to mean wisdom but also to mean cure, so I use this word as a hybrid of both meanings.

Honour Killings

When women are killed due to perceived honour of the family being tainted by her actions, often in connection to choosing their own partner or falling in love.


The waiting period for Muslim women after divorce or death of a husband in which a woman is advised not to remarry.


Knowledge with wisdom (hikmah). Wisdom comes from the depths of your soul and is a gift from your life’s experiences or from Allah/God.


Leader of prayer in mosque. Some Imams provide religious guidance to the community

InSha Allah

By the Will of Allah, a commonly used word after making any plan or saying anything with the intention of doing it. Muslims recognise that without Allah’s command, without His Will, nothing can or will happen.

Izzat aka Honour

Behaviour which is seen to uphold virtuous behaviour, in the context of this book, keeping the family’s dignity intact. Usually, women’s roles, men are excused through patriarchy and cultural nuances worldwide (see #38). # refers to Healing from Narcissistic Abuse by Ruby RAJA Izzat - honour, reputation, prestige. Sharm aur Izzat - Shame and Honour (see #10). # refers to Healing from Narcissistic Abuse by Ruby RAJA


A jinn is a being that is invisible to the naked eye. I shalln’t expand on this so as not to confuse anyone. (You may wish to explore Spirituality in Islam.)

Khul / Khula

Khul or Khula as it more commonly known is the divorce procedure for Muslim women through which she has the right to divorce her husband. (Female to male divorce.)

Log kya kahein gaye?

Literal translation is, what will people say.


School of Thought; addresses how life is lived providing guidance according to the laws of each school of thought. (See #22.)


Gift given to bride by husband on marriage, when she marries.


Member of the family with whom marriage is forbidden, and from whom purdah (covering, see #58) is not required. Exception to this rule is a woman’s husband who is her Mehram.

Nand (Urdu)

Urdu word for sister-in-law, very specifically, husband’s sister.

Nikab / Niqaab

A covering much like the covid face mask, it covers half the face from the middle of the nose and below, leaving eyes and forehead visible. Worn by Muslim females in Muslim countries and now prevalent in the West.


Islamic Marriage ceremony through which a Muslim couple is legally married.


Peace Be Upon Him . A sign of honour and respect, recited after the names of prophets. Always after Prophet Muhammed (PBUH or alayhisalaam - another way of saying the same thing). Please see #55. # related to Healing from Narcissistic Abuse by Ruby RAJA

Pendu (Urdu)

Urdu word for villager, uneducated, illiterate, seen as having backward or old-fashioned thinking


Urdu word for covering most of a person’s body and hair. For females, purdah would include their whole body and head except for their hands, feet, and face (see #50). # relates to Healing from Narcissistic Abuse by Ruby RAJA


Sabr means Patience and perseverance; Sabr has many layers of meaning - translating it into English is extremely difficult. Sabr, as a practice, is time-bound. No one in a relationship should practice sabr without accountability for both self and partner (usually) who is often not held accountable.

Shariah Law

A set of Islamic principles of law observed by Muslims and misunderstood in the West, sometimes used to present Muslims as backward and barbaric when it comes to justice.


Islamic divorce. Generally refers to, male to female divorce and to female to male. However, if a woman instigates talaq, and she has a right to do so, it is referred to as Khul or Khula.

Triple Talaq

A concept of divorce in Islam that says that when a man pronounces I divorce you three times, divorce has taken place. This concept is disputed as there is an entire procedure to be followed when using the triple talaq concept that allows time for reconciliation.


Theologians or Scholars who are responsible for addressing concerns society faces as they arise. This is done through theological majlis (gatherings) which involves research, peer consultation, and more, to ensure that Islamic principles are upheld justly.


Literal translations is Community.


Guardian for women, often father, brother, uncle or other male relative or close friend. Upon marriage, husband becomes the wali.


Zulfikar is the name given to Hazrat Ali’s sword.


Zulm/Dhulm is injustice or oppression which is forbidden in Islam.

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