This space is for Practitioners to access information relevant to victims and perpetrators of abuse. Non-practitioners will also find useful information on laws and developing research in this field.
‘For anyone wishing to explore the programs I deliver in relation to victims and perpetrators, you can find more information on the Programs page.
Legislation recognising Coercive Control as an abusive behaviour with penalties intended to protect victims. Further details can be found in the Resource section.
I’d like you to think about your life and who the men are in your life. Father, grand-father, uncle, brother, nephew. If you don’t have any male relatives, then think of the men that are around you. I’d like you to consider their roles and who has authority and what their authority is. Does it impact you, and if it does, how? Does it affect you, and if so, how? By exploring this aspect you will understand if patriarchy has played any role in your life and whether or not it has impacted your ability to be who you want to be. Then, I’d like you to think outside your immediate environment and look at life overall, schools, colleges, hospitals, clinics, police and courts, government. Who runs these establishments? Who has the power there and why? Does that affect your choices and ability to get your needs met. In doing this, you’ll start seeing how you became the person you are. This is one aspect of many. Please use the link to find out more.
While the challenges facing women and children around the world continue, awareness of subjects such as Forced Marriage (FM), Honour Based Violence (HBV) and Female Gential Mutilation (FGM) are becoming more widespread. These articles and videos have helped make changes to criminal justice and highlighted the importance of speaking up and speaking out in countries where it is needed most.
Restraining Order
Restraining Orders are court orders issued by a Judge in criminal proceedings, to stop someone inflicting harming on another person. Normally associated with domestic violence and abuse, harassment, stalking, and sexual assault.
Non-molestation order
A non-molestation order can help protect you and any child/ren from violence and harassment. You can get a non-molestation order against a person who is being physically violent, harassing or intimidating you. This order can prevent an abuser from coming within a certain distance of you..
Female Genital Mutilation
Find out about developments in the FGM field, factsheet and law in the UK.
Honour Based Violence / Honour Based Killings & Forced Marriages
Find out about honour based violence / honour based killings and forced marriages. Refer to Videos.
Serious Crime Act 2015 S.76
The Serious Crime Act 2015, S. 76 introduced an offence of controlling or coercive behaviour in an intimate or familial relationship. Learn how coercive control fits into legal proceedings and what types of sentences abusers can be given.
Domestic Abuse Act 2021
Much development has taken place in the past 15 years within the health, criminal justice and education sectors in the UK and a new Domestic Abuse Act came into effect early in 2021.
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
Childhood trauma can affect brain development, the immune system, and hormonal systems. Dr Nadine Burke Harris's research is invaluable.
Defence lawyer fined over rape survivor questioning
A defence lawyer who “repeatedly crossed the line” while questioning a woman during a rape trial has been fined and ordered to pay her compensation.
How Trauma Affects the Brain
This link was sent to me from someone specialising in trauma and on reading the information, I felt it would be a resource worth sharing. It looks at the impact of trauma on the brain and how the amygdala is engaged. It touches on types of psychological trauma as well as traumatic brain injuries.